Thursday, December 19, 2013

Friday 20th December 2013

I can't believe it is Friday already - the days have flown by!

Here are our grandchildren in a picture posted by Sarah.
Joshua (13), Nicola (6), Ruth (8) and Caleb (10)

Thoughts on the flights from Durban to Perth -
One does actually sleep on the flight - why else would you have to begin a movie three times before you manage to see it through to the end?
The food was not too bad either, it is just that eating it reminds me of boarding school where we sat on benches and elbows had to be tucked well in. One also has to work out what to do with the little bags of cellophane which contain the biscuits etc., and the clear plastic tops that cover the little food containers. When removed they have to be put somewhere; they refuse to be folded, and if stuffed into your empty drinks cup they use some hidden energy form and explode out again; so I came up with the ingenious idea of sliding them under the tray. Out of sight, out of mind ...... Until you lift up the tray to hand back to the cabin attendant and that hidden energy finds a release. One day someone is going to make a mint of money designing a user-friendly feeding tray!

Arriving at 01.00 was not as bad as I thought it would be, the ones who really took the hit were Amanda and Joshua who came to meet us and had us back home by 2.30 for a drink and biscuit before a shower and bed. Happy children's voices woke us at some time and we were able to start Thursday catching up with the kids which brings true joy to any grandparent's heart.
The day was spent in unpacking and another long sleep in the afternoon before we set off as a family to Hillary's harbour for a picnic with a number of friends from the church the family attend. It was a beautiful evening with a memorable sunset.

It is an interesting dynamic having the whole family under one roof. It would be very easy to allow the feeding of ten people to become to focus of every day, but with a plan for each day in place, I know that we we will be well fed and yet have plenty of time for all the outings which we want to enjoy.

Today the car is to be valet-ed and in the evening we will be going to the open-air theatre in Kings Park to see "Frozen". 

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